Yoga, Meditation & the Nature Connection
This is a rare and unique opportunity to get to know your ‘self’ more deeply while exploring the application of traditional yoga and meditation techniques to enhance your energy and experience more mastery of mind and emotions. Are you ready to ditch the digital devices, escape the hustle and give yourself the time you need to tend to the inner life during this nature immersion?
The place; Oldedalen & Blue Mountain Yoga
Here we are surrounded by glaciers, mountains and waterfalls. Here you can find peace in beautiful nature, or you can explore with hikes in the mountains. There are high standard cabins and campingareas with views towards glaciers, mountains and huge waterfalls. You can see the green Oldevatn from the cabins, and it is a startingpoint to the famous Briksdal Glacier.
Silje in meditation by the Briksdal Glacier, September 2022. Here we will all walk up on day for a practice ( as long as the the weather allows).
Blue Mountain Hall
More than 6000 years ago, a big stone avelanche came down the mountainside in the inner end of Oldedalen. Big rocks landed and was left in the hillside. This stone avelanche you can see today around Blue Mountain Yoga. It is in this stone area Melkevoll Bretun camping is built.
At one of the viewpoints, around one of the biggest stones in the area, the owner of Melkevoll Bretun - Inge Melkevoll - has built a special building called “The Blue Mountain Hall” of stone, tree and glas. From here there are views to the glaciers, huge mountains and waterfalls. The Blue Mountain Hall is built as an integrated part in harmony with nature and the surrounding areas. In this hall we have most sessions on the yoga retreat.
Main teacher on the retreat is Swami Karma Karuna, traveling all the way from New Zealand to share with us. Assistent teacher is Silje Sridharana Indreeide.
Karma Karuna Saraswati
Main teacher for the retreat is Swami Karma Karuna Saraswati. She is an engaging, intuitive yoga and meditation teacher, inspirational speaker, writer and IAYT certified Yoga Therapist with more than 25 years of experience. She has been trained in the Bihar Yoga traditional system and visits India to spend time with her spiritual guides yearly.
Swami Karma Karuna is a co-founder and director of Anahata Yoga Retreat, New Zealand, a Residential yoga retreat offering and integral yogic lifestyle.
She also travels throughout the world leading workshops, training yoga teachers, presenting at international events, guiding spiritual sadhana retreats and offering one to one yoga and lifestyle sessions.
Silje Sridharana Indreeide
Silje runs Anahata Yoga and is the assistant teacher for the retreat. Since her teens she has been passionate about how to become more happy and how to find inner peace. Yoga and meditation met these needs and she has been practicing since she first went to India as a 20-year old. She has studied 1 year at Yogalærerskolen i Norge, 6 years apprenticeship with Yggdrasil Yogaskole and has her teacher training from Bihar School of Yoga, the Rikhia Ashram. Silje also studied medicine for 1 1/2 years. Silje has 17 years experience teaching yoga, the last 12 full time.
Schedule Sunday September 10th
15.00 Cabins are ready to check in to
16.00 - 17.00 Asana, Pranayama, Mudra and Bandha
17.00 - 17.30 Yoga Nidra
17.30 Opening Circle
18.30 Dinner
07.00 - 08.50 Morning practice, Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha & Meditation
09.00 - 10.15 Breakfast and free time
10.15 - 12.20 Theory, Yoga Nidra & Meditation
12.30 - 16.00 Lunch and free time
16.00 - 17.45 Afternoon practice, Asana, Pranayama, Mudra and Bandha
18.00 Dinner
19.30 Evening program two evenings, kirtan, havan, satsang or meditation
Schedule Sunday September 17th
07.00 - 08.50 Morning practice, Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha & Meditation
09.00 - 10.15 Breakfast and free time
10.15 - 11.00 Closing Circle
Check out of cabin by 12.00
The schedule may alter, but this is a rough outline. One or two days we will have a different schedule where we bring the practice into nature -what days will depend on the weather.
How to get there
The best way to come is by car. It is a beautiful drive from Bergen, Oslo or any other major city in Norway. There are public transport available to Stryn (40 minutes away by taxi) and to Olden (20 minutes away by taxi). Check the times for buses her:
Lokal bus from Stryn or Olden to Melkevoll Bretun:
Closest airport is Anda Lufthavn at Sandane and Hovden Airport in Ørsta. Both places are about 1,5 hours by car from Melkevoll Bretun. From the airport you need to arrange transport to Melkevoll Bretun yourself.
Sleeping in tent or campervan, shared bathroom: 12.900,- NOK
Sleeping in shared room with shared bathroom: 13.200,- NOK
Sleeping in single room with shared bathroom: 14.900,- NOK
(Full booked) Your own little cabin with private bathroom: 17.000,- NOK
No accommodation, only the course and daily meal: 9.900,- NOK
Payment is done in 2 rates:
6.600,- Norwegian Kroner upon booking
Rest-amount due soon after booking.
Included in the investment
8 days and 7 nights accomodation in shared room
Daily sauna and ice-bathing (for those interested)
Main meal once a day with warm vegetarian / vegan food
Dinner upon the day of arrival
A small booklet with information to bring home for inspiration and continuing practice
Havan, an ancient fire ceremony
Not included:
Breakfast and evening meal (except first Sunday and Saturday), all cabins have a well-equipped kitchen
Travel to and from Melkevoll Bretun, Oldedalen
Tone Mette Wenger
“Jeg vil på det varmeste anbefale alle yoga-interesserte å gå kurs med Karma Karuna. Hun både gjør og er yoga med kropp og sinn. Hun har en utrolig formidlings-evne, og en unik personlighet.
Yogakurs med Karma Karuna er ga meg mulighet til å erfare den sterke og gode effekten yoga kan ha både der og da, men også en innsikt og erfaring jeg kan ta frem når jeg trenger det i hverdagen.”
"Jeg deltok på retreat med Karma Karuna sommeren 2019. Det var ni fantastiske dager til stor inspirasjon, der vi fikk fordype oss i temaet gjennom blant annet fysisk yoga, pust og filosofi.
Jeg opplevde Karma Karuna som en varm, empatisk og tilgjengelig lærer, som virkelig ser hver enkelt og gir av seg selv. En opplevelse jeg vil anbefale på det varmeste."