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Prana, Pranayama & Prana Vidya Retreat

  • Dharma Mountain 1220 Hedalsvegen Hedalen, Innlandet, 3528 Norway (map)

Prana, Pranayama & Prana Vidya 10 Day Retreat

The Yogis say that the “quality of your breath reflect the quality of your life”. A fast breath equals a stressed mind, unfocused emotions and a sick body. A slow, deep breath equals a calm, balanced and focused mind, health & well-being.

This retreat will explore prana through Asana, Pranayama, Mudras, Bandhas, Chakras including Prana Vidya theory and practices. Prana (energy) Vidya (knowledge) is an ancient and powerful meditation that deals with the system of prana for healing and spiritual awakening. Knowledge of Prana is knowledge of the universe. Everything moves because of Prana, it is source, means and destination. Prana Vidya is both a final goal of total awakening and it is also a process, which focuses on activating, directing and enhancing the vital energy. 

The key to the ‘knowledge of prana’ is it’s applications into daily life, learning to use our energy consciously, conserve and build it.  Explore the science behind the breath, the importance of the relaxation response and its connection to our physical, mental and energetic experiences. 


Chakra illustrations by Turid Ousland. Ajna and Manipura Chakra are both important in relation to Prana and Prana Vidya practices. All the chakras will be touched upon during the retreat.

You can sign up now by pushing a button below or scroll down to read more about the retreat and different types of accomodation to choose from.


Delve into Mudras, which are gestures and expressions of particular states of consciousness and energy. By using them consciously, the practitioner directly and indirectly influences mental and emotional states, health and well being. With the use of mudras, the practitioner can consciously awaken, balance and redirect Prana to influence the physical and subtle aspects of the body and mind.

Prana Practices

Experience Prana Nidra and other Prana Vidya meditations to learn how to enhance the flow of energy in your body as well as conserve and direct Prana for health and wellbeing, as this is an important key to healthy organs, optimal endocrine system, balanced weight, mental and emotional clarity and equanimity.

Check out the Salute to the Moon with Karma Karuna:

The teachers:

Swami Karma Karuna

Main teacher for the retreat is Swami Karma Karuna Saraswati. She is an engaging, intuitive yoga and meditation teacher, inspirational speaker, writer and IAYT certified Yoga Therapist with 30 years of experience. She has been trained in the Bihar Yoga traditional system and visits India to spend time with her spiritual guides yearly.
Swami Karma Karuna is a co-founder and director of Anahata Yoga Retreat, New Zealand, a Residential yoga retreat offering and integral yogic lifestyle.
She also travels throughout the world leading workshops, training yoga teachers, presenting at international events, guiding spiritual sadhana retreats and offering one to one yoga and lifestyle sessions.

Silje Sridharana Indreeide

Silje Sridharana Indreeide

Silje runs Anahata Yoga and is the assistant teacher for the retreat. Since her teens she has been passionate about how to find inner peace. Yoga and meditation met that need and she has been practicing since she first went to India as a 20-year old. She has studied 1 year at Yogalærerskolen i Norge, 6 years apprenticeship with Yggdrasil Yogaskole and has her teacher training from Bihar School of Yoga, the Rikhia Ashram. Silje also studied medicine for 1 1/2 years. Silje has 20 years experience teaching yoga and meditation, the last 12 full time.


07.00 - 08.50 Morning practice, Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha & Meditation
09.00 - 10.45 Breakfast and free time
10.45 - 12.50 Theory, Yoga Nidra / Prana Nidra & Meditation
13.00 - 16.30 Lunch and free time
16.30 - 18.15 Afternoon practice, Asana, Pranayama, Mudra and Bandha
18.30 Dinner
20.30 Evening program some evenings, kirtan, havan, satsang

The schedule may alter, but this is a rough outline.


Dharma Mountain is located in beautiful nature-setting only two hours drive from Oslo. There are mountains in the area, a river running close by the retreat center and well equippet cabins to stay in. There are many beautiful places to sit in the gardens, by the pond or even in the trees. They have a sauna that we will heat up at least twice during the retreat.


Food is vegetarian with some egg and dairy, it is possible to cater for vegans and allergies. Three meals a day is included in the price and Dharma Mountain can cater for intollerances and allergies, just let us know what your need are when signing up.


We will have a fire ceremony, also called havan, to get in touch with the deeper layers of our beeing.

Accomodation in a cabin

Accommodation is in shared cabins with two or three bedrooms and in some of the cabins there is an open loft that can be an extra bedroom. The loft (or hems in norwegian) has no door to close, it is open out onto the living room and you have to walk up a ladder to get up to the loft. Each cabin has a small kitchen area and one bathroom with a shower.

Accomodation in a tent or campervan

You can also choose more privacy and contact with nature by sleeping in a tent. You can bring your own tent and sleeping gear or choose Dharma Mountains glamping tent with some furniture and a bed.


Total price for retreat, food and lodging:

  1. Sleeping in your own tent / campervan: 15.900,- NOK

  2. Sleeping in shared room, two people 17.990,- NOK

  3. Sleeping in Dharma Mountains glamping tent: 19.900 NOK

  4. Sleeping in an open loft in a shared cabin: 19.900 NOK

  5. Sleeping in single room in shared cabin: 21.900,-

Payment is done in 3 rates:

  1. Deposit of 2.000,- Norwegian Kroner upon booking

  2. 7.900 NOK due in the beginning of March

  3. Rest-amount due in the beginning of May

How to get there?

Adress: Hedalsvegen 1220, 3528 Hedalen
GPS: 60.545579, 9.800173

By car:
Dharma Mountain is located in Hedalen (Valdres), 2 hours drive from Oslo. From Oslo, follow E16 towards Hønefoss, then pass Hønefoss, follow the directions towards Fagernes (still E16). Approximately one hour drive after Hønefoss, you come to Nes i Ådal. Here, turn left at the sign to Hedalen. Follow the road up the valley, about 11 km. Then you will see the sign of Dharma Mountain.

By bus or train:
From Oslo, you can travel with the bus “Valdresekspressen” to Nes i Ådal (2 hrs).

  • From Bergen you can travel by train to Hønefoss, and from there take the bus to Nes i Ådal.

  • From Oslo Airport Gardermoen, you can take the bus or train to Oslo, and from there go with “Valdresekspressen” from Oslo as described above. Or you can go by the bus to Hønefoss, and from there go with “Valdresekspressen” to Nes i Ådal.

  • For information about bus schedules and prices, check: or

  • For information about trains, check:

From Nes i Ådal you will need a ride. You can book a taxi by calling +47 95950711. Please book one day in advance. The taxi ride costs ca 300,- and can be shared with others coming with the same bus.

Anbefalinger / Recommendations:

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Tone Mette Wenger


“Jeg vil på det varmeste anbefale alle yoga-interesserte å gå kurs med Karma Karuna. Hun både gjør og er yoga med kropp og sinn. Hun har en utrolig formidlings-evne, og en unik personlighet.

Yogakurs med Karma Karuna er ga meg mulighet til å erfare den sterke og gode effekten yoga kan ha både der og da, men også en innsikt og erfaring jeg kan ta frem når jeg trenger det i hverdagen.”


Kjersti Svenning

“Jeg har tidligere deltatt på Chakra Sadhana kurs og Nature Connection Retreat med Karma Karuna, og vil fra hjertet anbefale et kurs med henne!

Med dybdekunnskap formidler hun med grundighet, nærvær og personlighet. Det at hun er direkte knyttet til Satyananda-tradisjonen gir kurs med henne en ekstra verdi for meg. Hun bygger bro mellom gammel indisk yoga-tradisjon og vår tid/sted på en unik måte.”

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"Jeg deltok på Chakra Sadhana med Karma Karuna i 2019. Det var ni fantastiske dager til stor inspirasjon, der vi fikk fordype oss i temaet gjennom blant annet fysisk yoga, pust og filosofi.

Jeg opplevde Karma Karuna som en varm, empatisk og tilgjengelig lærer, som virkelig ser hver enkelt og gir av seg selv. En opplevelse jeg vil anbefale på det varmeste."


Åse Lærø

Yogalærer, eier av Verket Yoga

“Karma Karuna er en yogalærer i særklasse med unik formidlingsevne, en varm og åpen personlighet, humor og undervisningsglede. Jeg fikk et stort personlig utbytte av retreaten samtidig som jeg hentet ny inspirasjon til bruk i min egen yogaundervisning. Chakra Sadhana kurset tilfredstilte mange behov; både tid for å utføre den omfattende yogapraksisen og det å dykke dypere inn i yogaens teori.”

Earlier Event: April 21
Yogaferie for blinde og svaksynte
Later Event: September 2
Stille yogaretrett på fjellet